28 Sep 2018
ABF nadal inwestuje w swój Zespół Sprzedaży. We wrześniu czterech kolegów z pracy podjęło nowe role, podczas gdy coraz bardziej skupiamy się na przyszłości.
Awans x 3
Sander Oorthuis, pełniący wcześniej funkcję Opiekuna Klienta dla Krajów Beneluksu, rozpoczął pracę jako Kierownik Sprzedaży. Bart van Oevelen i Sander Braat, uprzedni Kierownik Zespołu Sprzedaży i Opieku…
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31 Jul 2018
We now offer Siemens SINAMICS V20 Frequency Converters and related parts from stock.
Cost-effective, reliable and easy-to-use converter
Rated power from 0.12 kW up to 30 kW
Available in both 1- and 3-phase
Nett prices available in ABF store
Guaranteed same-day shipment until 17.59h
Bearings. Electric Motors. Got it.…
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12 Jul 2018
W ABF chcemy jak najlepiej obsłużyć naszych klientów. Dlatego mówimy po angielsku, niderlandzku, niemiecku, francusku, włosku, hiszpańsku i po polsku. Ale posunęliśmy się jeszcze o krok dalej: od teraz również pisemna komunikacja z nami jest możliwa w tych językach
Ustaw w prosty sposób swoje preferencje językowe na swoim koncie w ABF. Gdy to zrobisz, cała pisemna komunikacja…
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9 Jul 2018
A new record for ABF! In July our stock grew to more than 7,000,000 bearings and electric motors.
We want to serve our customers worldwide at lightning speed. That is why we have always strived to build one of the largest stocks of bearings, electric motors and related items.
We have invested heavily in new stock in recent years and we are proud that we have now passed the 7,000,000 mark. Do…
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28 Jun 2018
We are happy to welcome several new colleagues at ABF again.
Our Sales Team was expanded with Hans Wilhelm as Account Manager for the DACH region. Thomas de Rooij has started as a Developer. Both Robin Videler and Lars Melsen have begun as Warehouse Employees. We wish all new colleagues success at ABF.
Despite these new additions, we are still looking for more enthusiastic and motivated team…
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6 Jun 2018
Watch our time lapse movie to see the warehouse of ABF getting a facelift.
We ordered over 130m2 of banners to decorate the front of our warehouse aisles. In this time-lapse movie you'll see our Maintenance Employee working hard to hang the banners.
Do you like to visit the warehouses where we store over 6.000.000 bearings and electric motors in real life? Feel free to come by in Roosendaa…
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14 May 2018
We are happy to welcome several new colleagues at ABF again.
Recently Henk Schuilenberg started as Warehouse Employee at ABF. Our Sales Team was expanded with Alicia Lami as Account Manager France. And Dylan van Rijnberk joined us as System Administrator.
With these new colleagues our team has grown to almost 60 employees. Despite these new additions, we are still looking for more new c…
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28 Mar 2018
After a successful period at ABF, Niels Boot (Warehouse Manager) has decided to take on a new challenge in his career.
ABF has undergone great improvements under the supervision of Niels. In particular, the design and commissioning of warehouse 7 and 8, the extension of our opening hours until 17:59 pm and the efficiency improvements in our incoming and outgoing goods flow.
With the start of…
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15 Mar 2018
We want to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in our Find & Win contest and helped make it a success!
We have selected the 16 winners with a random generator, we have sent a personal email to the winners so if you are one of the lucky winners check it out! For all the non-winners or people who did miss out this contest, try your luck next time for any contest in the future…
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2 Mar 2018
We welcome Sergio Finotti as our new Account Manager Italy. With his Italian roots and experience in Account Management, we are sure Sergio is a great addition to the ABF Sales Team.
“I am amazed with the professionalism at ABF. All processes are well thought off and highly automated. I look forward to serving our Italian customers with their requests for bearings and electric motors”, comm…
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